… Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service … homes for-sale and for-rent info for all of metro-Phoenix.
metro-Phoenix … an 80×60 mile area in Arizona with about two-dozen contiguous but independent municipalities.


Every … EVERY … website with info about metro-Phoenix homes-for-sale, and most with info about homes-for-rent, is getting that info from ARMLS … zillow,, redfin, … EVERY website on the Internet.

Critial Homes Info Advice

YOU can … and should … get your homes info from ARMLS
instead of  from Zillow,,
… or any other Internet source

Why? Because the info will be complete and current. Every other Internet source is at least 2nd hand, for sure not complete, and likely out-of-date.

For buyers, getting ARMLS portal alerts possibly hours before any other “public” source is particularly critical. Being “first” will at least assure that your offer is given serious attention.

How do you get your homes info from ARMLS?

Easy!  Through an ARMLS Portal.

What is an ARMLS Portal? Find out here … ARMLS Portal
How to use and ARMLS Portal?  Find out here … ARMLS Portal User Guide

MLS – Multiple Listing Service

Every metro area of the USA is served by a MLS – Multiple Listing Service. The purpose of these organizations is to centralize data on properties that are being offered for sale or lease and to provide that information to its Realtor® members to enable their professional activities.  Qualifying Internet-based organizations are allowed access to this data for presentation to the general public for the purpose of assisting the sales efforts of the MLS Realtor® members.

ARMLS Access

ARMLS is owned by five local Realtor® associations: Phoenix, Scottsdale Area, SouthEast Valley, West Maricopa (county), and Western Pinal (county). ARMLS is governed by a Board of Directors composed of members of these local associations.

Only Realtors® who are members of one of these local associations can submit data to ARMLS, have full access to the backend features and controls of the ARMLS system, and are able to provide Portal access to the public. Agents who are not Realtors® only have “general public” access.

ARMLS Dominance of metro-Phoenix Residential Real Estate Info

A few critical points to remember:

  • ARMLS is the source for 99+% of all metro-Phoenix home for-sale and for-lease information that you see anywhere on the Internet. Some FSBOs advertise on Craigslist and such but that’s the nature of any exceptions.
  • A local Realtor® can provide direct access to this information to you. That’s well explained here … ARMLS Portal
  • As noted above, metro-Phoenix homes for-sale information you see anywhere else is for-sure incomplete and commonly out-of-date.

Lockbox Management and Control

In addition to MLS services, ARMLS provides services and controls for the electronic lockboxes that are an inherent part of the bulk of ARMLS listings. Even in this very technological age, these are marvelous devices, as we explain here … Lockbox Technology.

As for the history … ARMLS was created in 1982. As of 2016, it was already providing MLS data management functions for over 32,000 broker and agent subscribers for the approximately 60 by 80 mile area in Arizona that is centered on Phoenix and includes about two-dozen other cities, towns and communities.


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